Wednesday 23 March 2016

Fragrance Brief Completed!

The past week has been crazy busy as I have been working hard on my Fragrance Brief. I wanted to make the layout of this one a lot more fun and interesting than my first brief so I looked at lots of magazine layouts and images online of fun layouts I liked.

After numerous attempts of trying to make my brief look 'cool' I eventually came up with the idea of taking inspiration from my recommendation for the big idea 'the scented journal' and I adapted the font and layout to look like a journal.

The brief describes my group's three ideas which consists of a scented journal, a mother/daughter perfume and a scented product to help people to sleep. We did lots of primary and secondary research which I have explained about in the brief and then I concluded which idea I thought would be best for the Big Idea which we will take further (The Scented Journal).

Friday 18 March 2016

Aroma Core Fragrance Factory

I was lucky enough to visit the Aroma Core Fragrance Factory yesterday which was such a great experience. My group and I arranged for us to travel to Brixworth in Northampton and visit this factory where we got to have a tour of the place, and got to talk to one of the workers about fragrances. The tour was amazing -- I was shocked at the effort and time that goes in to actually making fragrances and the process in general.

We could smell the fragrances as soon as we got out of the cab it was crazy, and inside it was even stronger. Whilst having a tour of the place we had to take off our jewellery, wear hats, goggles and an apron.

We then got to have a long chat with one of their sales executives, Charlotte where we discussed what our project is and we told her our three ideas for our own scented product, and we got to get her opinion of what she thought of them all.

The day overall was such an experience and we were even lucky enough to get a folder full of fragrance related products like forecast magazines, scented wipes, books and notepads and more.

Here are some of the photos of the day..

Friday 11 March 2016

Fragrance Presentation

I had my group presentation yesterday which was based on our three ideas for our own scented product. After doing lots of primary and secondary research and gathered ideas for the products, we finally decided on three ideas; scented journal, mother/daughter perfume and a sleeping scent.

We revealed and explained our ideas and in the feedback our tutors told us the idea they liked the best was the scented journal, which was my favourite too so I was happy for us to take this idea as our 'big idea.'

The idea is based on helping people to remember things in the future when they look back on their journal as the pages will be scented with the places they visited. Therefore, not only is a unique and interesting idea, but it is also designed to help people as it would help Alzheimer sufferers to trigger their memory.

Monday 7 March 2016

Criticising Perfume Advertisements

Many fragrance advertisements (perfume in particular) have no actual story to them but are actually very random. I created these 'snapchat' design styled ways of criticising them in a funny way by adding a jokingly side to what the story is.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Fragrance Project

My new project is based on creating a new fragrance idea. We looked at existing products on the market to see what ideas and designs already exist!

I have been recording a sketchbook which includes the samples of fragrances I collected and the annotations of existing fragrance advertisements.