Wednesday 23 March 2016

Fragrance Brief Completed!

The past week has been crazy busy as I have been working hard on my Fragrance Brief. I wanted to make the layout of this one a lot more fun and interesting than my first brief so I looked at lots of magazine layouts and images online of fun layouts I liked.

After numerous attempts of trying to make my brief look 'cool' I eventually came up with the idea of taking inspiration from my recommendation for the big idea 'the scented journal' and I adapted the font and layout to look like a journal.

The brief describes my group's three ideas which consists of a scented journal, a mother/daughter perfume and a scented product to help people to sleep. We did lots of primary and secondary research which I have explained about in the brief and then I concluded which idea I thought would be best for the Big Idea which we will take further (The Scented Journal).

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