Sunday 22 May 2016

Harry Styles' hair cut causes mania

After Styles posted an Instagram photo of a load of hair that he had cut off, a 'fake' photo was released on social media last week. Within minutes this photo was everywhere and seen by millions and people genuinely were convinced it was actually Harry Styles. However, it was later on revealed it was a face swap which left people intrigued to still find out what he looks like.

A few photos of Styles wearing hats were revealed until eventually an actual photo of him was published which left people controversial

over their opinions of it compared to the face swap one.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

French Plait (with a twist..)

Since a very young age I've always loved doing hair and trying out new hairstyles. I am forever on YouTube looking at video hair style tutorials learning new things to try out. I have always been able to do the standard, original french plait but recently wanted to learn how to do the 'on top' style. After watching numerous tutorials I could not hack it, until eventually after trying 100000 times I did the hang of it.

To start you grab three partings of hair as usual, and twist them under one another instead of over. Grabbing a piece from the side each time you continue doing this and continue to plait going under! Then as you get towards the end where you do a normal plait you literally continue plaiting as usual. I'd 100% recommend watching YouTube tutorials of this style as it is actually so simple to do and would be an ideal summer hairstyle.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Clever form of Promotion..

A new model white Range Rover was parked by Harrods in London, sprayed with graffiti paint made out to look like it had been done by a mad partner. "Cheater, it's over" and "Hope she was worth it" was all over the car which brought huge attention to the car. By midday the car was all over social media and the news, so by the end of the day pretty much the whole of the UK had seen photos of this car. It has only just been revealed however that this was all a set up and promotion plan to get people to see the car, and it definitely was!

Friday 6 May 2016

Dungarees and Pinafores return

I had not worn dungarees or a pinafore since I was in primary school but last week I bought both. Especially since summer is soon approaching, these are ideal outfits that are on trend yet comfy. They can be easily paired with a long sleeve crop top or jumper (weather dependent). They can also be easily dressed up or down which I absolutely love!

Sunday 1 May 2016

IKEA's latest video advert

While I was flicking through trying to find something to watch on TV earlier I came across a really nice (and clever) advert. At first I was confused what was being advertised but found it so intriguing which made me want to continue watching to find out. Ikea were advertising photo albums and the video showed a young couple ageing throughout the years. It showed special moments in their lives they spent together and it emphasises the man's chair in the living room where he would sit. Then at the end it shows the chair is empty as the man has passed away and his wife is showing the photos of their memories to their grandchild. I thought it was such a nice and emotional advert which did make me stop and think for a moment the importance of keeping photo albums.

I also found it particularly interesting as for my uni fragrance product we created is a scented photo journal, and the idea of it is based on the importance of keeping the photos in a book to reminisce.