Wednesday 18 May 2016

French Plait (with a twist..)

Since a very young age I've always loved doing hair and trying out new hairstyles. I am forever on YouTube looking at video hair style tutorials learning new things to try out. I have always been able to do the standard, original french plait but recently wanted to learn how to do the 'on top' style. After watching numerous tutorials I could not hack it, until eventually after trying 100000 times I did the hang of it.

To start you grab three partings of hair as usual, and twist them under one another instead of over. Grabbing a piece from the side each time you continue doing this and continue to plait going under! Then as you get towards the end where you do a normal plait you literally continue plaiting as usual. I'd 100% recommend watching YouTube tutorials of this style as it is actually so simple to do and would be an ideal summer hairstyle.

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