Monday 8 February 2016

'It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be'

Another great book which I honestly really enjoyed reading. It takes a very interesting book to get me to keep on reading as I find I literally can get so easily distracted (literally at anything...) but I found many of the quotes inspirational and lots of them made me stop and think for a moment of their true meanings.

Here are some of these quotes I particularly liked...:

"Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have ..;without having a goal it is difficult to score."   I really liked this quote and found it very inspirational and encouraged me to think of what my ultimate goal of who and where I want to be is. At the moment I concluded I want to be a buyer so reflecting on this resulted in me researching ways to get in to this particular career and I read in to the career quite a lot so I gained new, beneficial knowledge of it I did not know before.

"You can achieve the unachievable"
"If you think you are unable to work for the best company in its sphere, make that your aim."
I liked these quotes because they make it clear that if you constantly think you cannot exceed your limits and get out of your comfort zone, you will only settle for 'decent' rather than 'greatness.'

"Do not seek praise, seek criticism"

"Don't promise what you can't deliver"

"Fail, fail again, fail better!"
When I first read this quote I thought it made absolutely no sense whatsoever as failing is something which we think negatively of and all try to avoid.However, this quote made me realise that it is through making mistakes that we learn and can focus on bettering ourselves until eventually we meet our goal of success.

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