Tuesday 2 February 2016

'Damn Good Advice'

I am currently on my uni reading weeks and we were given 4 books to read. So far I have just finished my first book 'Damn Good Advice' which I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed and read it in a day. It is a life lesson book full of tips related to being a creative written by George Lois, an advertiser. I found the whole book very interesting but wanted to share some of my favourite tips mentioned;

1.) If people think you are dumb, you will spend a life time doing dumb work - Lois is encouraging people to face the reality that we should speak out and let ourselves be known to others, otherwise we will not come to people's attention of our capabilities and this will stop us moving up in our career.

2.) Never ever work for bad people!

3.) Even a brilliant idea won't sell itself -- Lois makes it clear here explaining it is only the creator who can sell their idea - it won't just become noticed itself.

4) Throughout your career be thrilled that you are doing work that you love

5.) Never listen to music when you are trying to come up with a Big Idea! -- this line particularly caught my attention as I am most definitely a music lover. However, it definitely makes sense to be in silence or just away from any distractions whilst trying to come up with a Big Idea, especially if you have a passion for music because as George Lois wrote, 'music carries people away, possibly to somewhere you do not want or need to be to discover the idea'.

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