Tuesday 16 February 2016

My slight obsession with trainers..

As I came home from JD sports yesterday and took my new pair of trainers out of their Nike box and put them on my shef along with my other trainers, the thought came to my mind..BLOG! I have always been a lover of things fashionable and comfy and the main reason I love trainers is the fact that they are of both.

It is quite ironinc to think back to being at high school and the thought of wearing trainers when meeting up with my friends or going out would not have crossed my mind. I literally would only wear boots (UGGs were a big obsession of mine for a long time) or converse. Yet today everyday I wear trainers and looking around I am not alone. Almost every person you pass in the street these days are wearing trainers, mostly either Nike or Adidas.

My two sisters and my mum are also trainer obsessed (maybe not to my level) and they are lucky enough to all be the same shoe size so share and swap their trainers with eachother so literally they wear different ones everyday. Unfortunately for me I have smaller feet so can't share their shoes but it's quite a good excuse to just buy more trainers by saying I'm not as previledged as them as they have loads between them (fair enough..?!)

When I bought yet another pair the other day my mum said 'do you seriously need another pair?' .. of course you know my reply, but they are so ideal for me as my uni accommodation is a 20 minute walk to the uni everyday. So really thank god trainers are in fashion!

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