Saturday 13 February 2016

'Whatever you think, think the opposite' - (Paul Arden)

The final book I read for reading week was ' Whatever you think, think the opposite.' Once again it was a book I actually really enjoyed reading and took note of some of the quotes I liked in particular.

"It is better to regret what you have done than what you haven't."   - This is my favourite quote from the book and probably out of all the four books I read. It is a motivational quote giving encouragement to go out and do things, make mistakes and learn from them as this is how we get closer to being a success. It is also better to fail and learn learn than to regret what you have not done and always wonder how different your life would be if you had done that certain thing.

"Take charge; be your own worst critic" - This makes it clear that as humans when things go wrong it is tempting to easily blame others or things, but we should not do this. Instead, we should take responsibility! You will be respected more for that.

"Sometimes the clever thing is to not be so clever." - Often people think too hard and get carried away with trying to come up with new and innovative ideas that they miss the simple, amazing ones.

"The achievement of failure"  - This quote caught my eye as I thought it was a cleverly worded quote putting two opposites in to one. However, it is actually spot on as it is so true that you learn more from making mistakes than you can imagine.

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