Wednesday 23 December 2015

Summative Brief Task 2..

My rough notes
The next part of my project was based on cultural communication. It was looking at 3 ways that fur is used beyond just in fashion clothing but in a broader creative context. I chose cosy interiors, vehicle products and fur print designs. I researched these and then wrote a comparison of these also. I found this task more challenging than the previous tasks as even though fur is used in many non-fashion things, actually choosing which images are most appropriate to compare took me a while to decide.

Task 2b - The broader cultural contexts

This task involved me analysing fur against its broarder cultural contexts. As shown above I made notes on what I was going to research and what the results of this were. Overall I researched and explained how fur clothing has changed and developed throughout the years. I chose to look at fur in the 20's, 70's and 00's. It was interesting discovering who wore fur before compared to today and the reasons for this. I included images of this and wrote a comparison and explanation for this also.

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