Sunday 20 December 2015

The Thin Line of Eye Shadow Extremes

As a lover of make up I am constantly watching online make up tutorials. I find it so fun discovering new techniques and make up ideas from others that I can try out to see if it suits me. One main thing I have been focusing on improving my make up technique with is eye shadow. While looking through magazines or watching TV I always find that good eye shadow makes people look so amazing and really makes people's eyes stand out. However, from watching these tutorials it is evident that there is a thin line between eye shadow looking good and classy, and it looking way too extreme/ over the top.

However, extreme, over the top eye shadow is often used in advertisements for eye shadows or even other non make up related things. This is to get people's attention and it makes the advertisements look unique.
These are two examples of random advertisements and modelling shoots involving these extreme eye shadows. I think even though I would not wear my make up like this going out, but it does present the colours that are being sold well. The bottom image 'True Colors' in particular does this well as the colours look very attractive and the way they have been blended in together shows how the different colours do match well together, without having to show it literally only on the eye lids but instead across the face.

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