Sunday 17 January 2016


I am currently sat in my bedroom in London feeling absolutely exhausted yet buzzing and so happy after the best trip in New York. I also feel so confused with what is going on to be honest because mentally for me it is only 8am (American time) so I think the jet lag is starting to affect me now.

My journey to America started off eventful as anything that could have gone wrong for my friends and I - did! (But to be honest it made it more fun so it's fine) It began when I was given the wrong boarding pass which was going to some other country so I had to get mine reprinted, then my friend Lillie was stopped by security and had to get her bag searched so already we were behind the rest of the people on our course but it sure made it eventful. Then as we finally got past security Lillie realised she forgot to bring her foundation so we had a mad rush to buy one involving her having a full make over in Mac and then us realising we had 10 minutes to run to the gate to board the plane -- we made it and then had a chilled journey. However the relaxation did not last long as I had to have my whole suitcase emptied and searched once we landed in America, but after abut 20 minutes the 'random person' search was over and I ran to get on the coach still buzzing to finally get to our hotel so we could explore New York eventually.

We were exhausted after our particularly eventually but absolutely hilarious day so we walked through New York -- got lost (of course being us) and went for dinner which was so amazing. We were searching for the Empire State building also while we were out because we were told it was near our hotel but we could not find it anywhere so we eventually decided to head back to the hotel to go to sleep. However, the funniness continued when we got back and looked out our bedroom window to discover to Empire State was right outside our window. We literally laughed for a good 10 minutes straight! (only us!!!)

(room views -- the empire state building and the outside road view)

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