Friday 1 January 2016

Oversized Clothing / Comfy yet Fahionable

It has become apparent that over sized clothing is massively on trend this season as I have seen so many people wearing over sized jackets in particular. As I have previously mentioned the fashion cycle has resulted in many people wearing their parents old jackets from 20 years ago as baggy, over sized jackets today, including myself. Especially during this Christmas holiday I have asked my dad on many occasions if I could wear his over sized denim jacket (which basically is mine now..he just does not know). I usually wear it with black skinny jeans or leggings and a crop top and I feel the over sized jacket gives the outfit an edge which I love. Every time I have gone out wearing the over sized jacket I have received compliments and people are shocked when I explain it's my dad's from before I was born!

Over sized t- shirts are also in and I have noticed this is the case in menswear in particular. Long t-shirts that go far below the waist seem to be all in and I first noticed this style on Justin Bieber, especially in his music video 'I'll show you'. (as shown in the images below)
Perhaps Bieber has started this trend but I have noticed it particularly since coming home to London for the holidays and seeing guys wearing these long shirts with skinny jeans, trainers and a shorter jacket so the top can be seen hanging below.

Overall, this oversized clothing trend is quite ideal for this season especially as in winter people want to be warm and cosy. However, it is always a bonus to be warm and cosy whilst being on trend and fashionable -- so maybe we should thank Bieber!

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