Monday 18 January 2016

My First Day in New York

My course friends and I all set our alarms for 8am so we were ready to explore New York City by 9am. I could not get over the height of the buildings -- (I was literally walking around the city looking up constantly). I also could not get over the business of it as the roads are constantly crazy busy with cars beeping all the time and people everywhere. Although I am used to the business of London, New York was strangely a different kind of busy I thought. 

I took loads of photos --- I have selected a few of the good ones to show here.

I loved the whole atmosphere of New York as it had a lively feel due to the huge number of people around all day everyday. There were some amazing buildings and decorations on them which I have shown below. I thought the lit up walk way was very pretty and it created a nice feel as I walked through it.

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